dimecres, 31 de març del 2010

Índex enllaçat a documents de text d'OpenOffice.org

Com es crea un índex connectat en un document openoffice.org? Els índex són molt importants en els documents escrits, però quan estan en format PDF convé que hi hagi un índex clickable que porti a la part del document d'interés.

Asumeixo que tens un OpenOffice.org 3.1 configurat en català

A la barra d'eines de formatació s'hi troben els encapçalaments. La manera més fàil de generar un índex és utilitzar correctament aquests estils (Visualitza / Barres d'eines / Formatació).

Quan s'aplica l'estil hi ha les opcions Per defecte, Cos del text, Encapçalament 1, Encapçalament 2, Encapçalament 3 i Més...

Hia diferents tipus d'estils d'Encapçalament. L'1 es dirigeix als encapçalaments més importants (ex: títols de capitol) i el 2 i 3 serveixen per etructurar el contingut.

Seleccionant Insereix / Índex i taules / Índex i taules... s'obrira una finestra on pots editar el teu índex. La pestaña entrades és el que serveix per crear un índex enllaçat.

A la secció d'Estructura, coloca el cursor en el petit cuadre de text d'abans del botó E#. Apreta el botó enllaç. Amb les fletxes Mou-te a l'últim cuadre de text de l'estructura i apreta el botó enllaç.

Per últim un cop apretat el botó Tots els nivells pots acabar pulsant D'acord.



Basat en How-to: Create a linked index with Openoffice


Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

diumenge, 28 de març del 2010

Estats Units certifica l'autenticació de Google per iniciar sessió a llocs web governamentals

Google's identity, security, and privacy specifications have been certified so that a user can register and log in at U.S. government websites using their Google account login credentials. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is the first government website ready to accept such credentials, and we look forward to seeing other websites open up to certified identity providers so that users will have an easier and more secure time interacting with these resources.

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

Solaris s'ha convertit en una demo a 90 dies

In order to use the Solaris operating system for perpetual commercial use, each system running Solaris must be expressly licensed to do so. An Entitlement Document comprises such license and is delivered to you either with a new Sun system or from Sun Services as part of your service agreement. Customers who did not receive an Entitlement Document with their new Sun system or through their service agreement must register each system running Solaris with Sun. Before you install Solaris on additional systems, you must first register those systems to receive an additional Entitlement Document.

The registration process to receive an Entitlement Document is part of the Solaris download process, with the Entitlement Document being returned to you via e-mail. For this reason, YOU MUST PROVIDE A WORKING E-MAIL ADDRESS AS PART OF YOUR SUN DOWNLOAD CENTER ACCOUNT. If you fail to do so, you will not receive an Entitlement Document and will only have the right to evaluate Solaris for 90 days.

The Entitlement Document is an adjunct to the Software License Agreement (SLA) that always accompanies the Solaris Operating System software. The SLA sets forth the terms under which Sun Microsystems, Inc. allows an end user to use the Solaris software for evaluation purposes for 90 days and is a binding legal agreement between Sun and the end user. End users should be sure to review the SLA in its entirety; any legal questions should be directed to the end user’s own legal counsel. Please note that because the entitlement granted by Sun is nontransferable, end users may not give the Solaris software to any third party. The new owner is responsible for obtaining a Solaris Entitlement Document.

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

diumenge, 21 de març del 2010

Ser un blogger únic [19 Starting Points for Being a Unique Blogger]

  1. Voice – your style of writing. Manolo the shoe blogger was the first blogger I remember reading with a really unique voice (he writes in the third person).
  2. Topic/s – Manolo again an example of uniqueness in this – his two topics when he first started were ‘celebrities’ and their ’shoes’. John Chow perhaps is another example – who ever heard of a make money online blogger who documents his food and talks about cars?
  3. Design – the way your blog looks is a great way to make an impression, grab attention and stand out from the crowd.
  4. Being First – not easy to do but if you can be one of the first blogs in a niche it can help you stand out. ProBlogger would be my own lucky example of this – at the time no one else was blogging about making a living from blogs.
  5. Your Blogs Name – sometimes it is just the name of a blog that makes it stand out whether it be by being confronting, funny or otherwise.
  6. Being a ‘Character’ – the Fake Steve Jobs blog comes to mind as one blog that was unique not only by the content being great but by the blogger blogging as Steve Jobs and keeping his real identity secret.
  7. Use of Media – some bloggers mashups of different types of media set them apart – clever use of video, imagery, audio and text all together in a post can have a real impact.
  8. Depth of Content – a number of bloggers that I follow set themselves apart by producing content that obviously has a lot of thought put into them. Instead of quick and short posts that do nothing much more than link to other sites they carefully and thoughtfully ponder a topic and produce content that is deep and thought provoking.
  9. Frequency of Posts – it strikes me that some of the most popular blogs product A LOT of content. Engadget and Gizmodo being two examples. This high frequency of posting makes them prolific and means that if a story is breaking in the gadget space that you’d be certain that they’re covering it. On the flip side some blogs take the opposite approach – their new posts become so rare that people value them highly and share them prolifically.
  10. Vaults of Resources – some bloggers become successful because their blogs are just filled with such rich resources. These bloggers might not have as much original thought but they are passionate about gathering information and resources from others and sharing it with their network. People read them because they save them time by researching and gathering the information that the rest of us need but don’t have time to find.
  11. Community Focus – some bloggers go above and beyond when it comes to their readers. They put the rest of us to shame by the way that they pay personal attention to everyone, interact with every comment and seemingly know every person who reads by name.
  12. Opinion – one of the easiest ways to make your blog is to share your opinion. Your opinions won’t always be unique but the combination of them and the way you express yourself will be and will often set yourself apart from other bloggers who just report news.
  13. Usefulness – some blogs are insanely useful. I know we’ve covered this earlier in this series but it needs to be said again – useful blogs build themselves a solid foundation for success.
  14. Originality – its amazing how some people just have an ability to explore a topic that everyone else has talked about but put a new spin on it! I sometimes feel this way about Seth Godin’s blog – his ability to make me have light bulb moments around simple concepts is amazing.
  15. Personality – I’m finding this one hard to define but some bloggers just ooze personality. Perhaps another way to describe it would be that they have Mojo or are charismatic. They are just infectious with the way that they write and interact.
  16. Personal – as you read some blogs you sometimes get a spooky feeling that its almost like the blogger is there in the room with you. They blog in a way where you can almost hear their voice and feel as though you’re in a conversation with them. They share on a level that goes beyond just the transference of information – they share of themselves.
  17. Expertise – some bloggers rise to the top of their fields because they are simply authoritative and have real expertise in their field. They are well read, have extensive experience and have forgotten more about their topic than most of us will ever know about it.
  18. Connectors – other bloggers are successful because they are so well connected in their niche. They not only know a lot of people but they have a gift in helping others to connect with those in their network.
  19. Prolific – some bloggers are unique because… well they’re everywhere. These bloggers seem to have the ability to be in more than one place at a time – they blog, they’re active on multipole social networks, they are at conferences, they are guest posting on other blogs, they’re in forums…. they are everywhere!

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

The 19 most complex and dangerous roads in the world | By the Waze

Sure, it feels fantastic to traverse the vast stretches of the best roads in the world via adrenaline pumping speeds. How about a complicated road, one that twists and turns, or has downright congested traffic, or unforgiving terrain? They might give you a headache, but it sure feels good when you’ve conquered them. Here is the  list of the world’s most complicated and dangerous roads. Some of these complicated mountain passes can be dangerous if not negotiated with utmost caution, while others are complicated sets of roads and bridges, erected to ensure a streamlined flow of traffic at busy junctions. Without further ado, we present our top 19 list…

1) Col de Turini, France



photo credits : 1,2

Situated more than 1 mile above sea level, Col de Turini is a mountain pass situated in south of France in the Alps. It’s also part of a 20 miles rally stage of the Monte Carlo Rally of WRC, which combines 34 challenging hairpins and long stretches where cars top 111 mph. It is one of the most exciting roads on Earth.  The pass was featured in the very first episode of Top Gear series 10, when the presenters went in search of the greatest driving road in the world. At its highest point, Col de Turini  is 1607m high. In the north, the Col de Turini starts  with a dazzling series of hairpins. Finally, we end up riding in a gorge, with a wild river on the left, and a steep rock-wall on the right.

2) Stelvio Pass, Italy



Photo credits 1,2

Located in the Eastern Alps in Italy, the Stelvio Pass Road connects the Valtellina with Merano and the upper Adige valley. This mountain road pass is situated at an altitude of around 1.7 miles above sea level. The road is particularly challenging to drive due to the presence of 48 hairpin bends, with the road becoming exceedingly narrow at some points, and some very steep inclines. With a height of 2757 meters, it is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps and the second highest in the Alps, after the 2770 m high Col de l’Iseran. While it might not be as dangerous  as the other routes, it is certainly breathtaking. The  toughest and most spectacular drives are from the Prato side. The mountain pass is  one of the best continuous hairpin routes in the world.

3) Leh–Manali Highway, India


Photo credit 1

The Leh-Manali Highway is situated in India and spans over a length of 297 miles among the Himalaya mountain range. It passes through some of the worlds highest mountain passes in the world, with a mean altitude in between 2 to 3 miles above sea level. The road is one of the most complicated and challenging roads in the world, with snow, landslides and terrain making the journey exceedingly difficult for anything other than a capable four wheel drive vehicle. The road was built and is maintained by the Indian Army.

4) The Puxi Viaduct, Shanghai

Puxi Viaduct_Shanghai2

Photo credit 1

This is one of Shanghai’s busiest and largest interchange that caters to thousands of vehicles every hour. It has five levels of bridges that help connect two of the cities busiest highways, directing vehicles without much fuss.

5) The Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange, LA


Photo credit: 1

The Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange is situated in Los Angeles, CA and is one of the most complicated interchanges in the country. It permits entry and exit in all directions between the I-105 and the I-110. It’s a stack interchange with layers of bridges making a complicated network of roads allowing smooth flow of traffic though both the interstate highways. This interchange was opened in 1993. It is a 4 level interchange with a restricted access lane that can be used by high-occupancy vehicles.

6) The Road of death, Bolivia

road of death2

Photo credits:  1, 2

The North Yungas Road (also known as the El Camino de la Muerte, ‘Road of Death’ in Spanish) is a 43 mile road connecting La Paz and Coroico, 35 miles northeast of La Paz in Bolivia. Famous for its extreme danger, it was christened as the “world’s most dangerous road” in 1995 by the Inter-American Development Bank. The single-lane width, extreme drop offs, and lack of guardrails, only add to the danger lurking behind. Further, the fog and rain can make visibility poor and the road surface muddy, loosening rocks from the hillsides above. It is estimated that 200 to 300 travelers are killed per year on this treacherous road. Although, the old North Yungas Road is  much less used by traffic nowadays, an increasing number of adventure bikers  travel it for the thrills.

7) Russia’s Lena Highway, the Highway from Hell



Photo credits: 1,2

The last 600 miles of the Russian Federal Highway from Moscow city to the Siberian city of Yakutsk is called the “Lena Highway”. This bizarre road runs parallel to the River Lena on the final leg to Yakutsk. As if the road of mud was not a big problem, Yakutsk is considered one of the the coldest cities on earth, with January temperatures averaging -45 °F. But surprisingly, it is only in the summertime that the road becomes impassable. Whenever it rains in summer, the road virtually becomes a slush pit making it impossible for the vehicles to pass through it. This being the only road to Yakutsk makes the traffic heavy and even more complicated to negotiate.

8. Gravelly Hill Interchange, Birmingham, UK


Photo credit: 1

Gravelly Hill Interchange, nicknamed ‘the Spaghetti Junction’, is the 6th junction  of the M6 motorway, where it joins the A38 Aston Expressway in Birmingham, UK. The name “Spaghetti Junction” was coined by Roy Smith, a journalist from the Birmingham Evening  Mail in the 1970s. The areal view of the junction sure tells us why it is called the Spaghetti Junction. Spanning an impressive 30 acres, the junction serves 18 routes and includes 4 km of slip roads. Across 6 different levels, there are 559 concrete columns, reaching up to 24.4 m in height. The engineers had to elevate 13.5 miles of the motorway to accommodate 2 railway lines, 3 canals, and 2 rivers. It’s the most complicated junction in United Kingdom.

9) Russian-Georgian “Military” Mountain Roads



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When they are not covered in sheets of snow, then it’s the thick, grueling mud. These remote highways would probably swallow your car in the snow or mud. Though neither affect the locals who drive their Lada cars down it regularly. Situated in the Caucasus mountains, these roads are to be tackled only by the Russian military which probably explain why they lack any official designation. The harsh surface, along with the problems posed by snow, makes this road almost inaccessible during winter. The seldom used road connects Russia and Georgia and assumes of strategic importance for both countries.

10) Guoliang Tunnel Road, China




Photo credits: 1,2

The magnificent tunnel road in the Taihang mountains was built by 13 local villagers headed by their chief, Shen Mingxin, and took around five years to finish. Many villagers lost their lives in accidents during construction of the tunnel but the others continued relentlessly. The tunnel was opened to traffic on May 1st, 1977. The 1200 meter long tunnel is about 5 meters high and 4 meters wide. It is located in the Henan Province of China. The Guoliang tunnel is another addition to most dangerous and complicated roads to travel. Dubbed as “the road that does not tolerate any mistakes”, most accidents in the tunnel are primarily caused by the neglect of the traveler. Nonetheless, it is an extremely scenic route and is a key destination on the Chinese tourism map.

11) Taroko Gorge Road in Taiwan (Chungheng)

Taroko Gorge Road in Taiwan (Chungheng)-1

Taroko Gorge Road in Taiwan (Chungheng)

Photo credit: 1

The Taroko Gorge Road in Taiwan is another mountain route  made by carving out rocks, like the Guoliang Tunnel road. The road passes through the Taroko national park alongside the Taroko Gorge. The road is an appeal to the tourist, as well as a mode of transportation of marble found abundantly in the Gorge.

12) Pasubio (Vicenza), Northern Italy

Pasubio (Vicenza), Northern Italy1

Pasubio (Vicenza), Northern Italy2

Photo credit: 1

This is a hiking trail made out of an ancient road trail. The road serves mostly for motorcycles and certain types of car. The road is dangerously narrow and slippery, spanning many cliff faces and tunnels with stunning scenery, making this a popular destination for adventurous travelers.

13) The Halsema Highway in the Philippines

Halsema Highway1

Halsema Highway2

Halsema Highway3

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The Halsema Highway runs through the Central Cordillera Valley in Philippines. It is also called the Baguio-Bontoc Road. The road is approximately 150 miles long and is mostly unpaved. The road runs through steep cliff faces which barely have any guard rails or other safety devices installed. The narrow roads and steep cliff faces make the road almost impassable during the rainy season. It’s known for the rock slides and mud slides and buses driving dangerously fast on its narrow passage. There are plenty of accidents and many overturned buses on a yearly basis. There are sheer drop offs of more than 1000 feet without a safety guard rail. This route is for sure one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

14) Trollstigen in Norway

Fjord Roads1

Fjord Roads 2

Photo credts: 1,2

The Fjord in Norway has many roads that attract tourists. The most notable among them is the Trollstigen which is a series of stunning roads with a breathtaking view of a few waterfalls. The word Trollstigen means the Troll Ladder. The road, though not lacking in safety standards, takes a lot of concentration and driving skill to conquer. The vertigo-inducing steep inclines, intense set of hairpins and narrow roads leave no margin for error. However, once you are at the top, the view is just breathtaking. The narrow road leaves us with extremely few possibilities for vehicles to pass each other. The frequent rockfalls in the region have resulted in some upgrades to the road in 2005. At the top, there is a viewing balcony which overlooks the road and the Stigfossen waterfall, a 320 m long waterfall which falls down the mountain side.

15) Los Caracoles Pass in Andes

Los Caracoles1

Los Caracoles2

Photo credit: 1

This road passes though the Andreas Mountains on the way between Chile and Argentina. Los Caracoles is a series of hard switchbacks on an extremely steep incline. The road has many steep inclines and hairpins without any safety guard rails. The road is covered with snow for the most part of the year. The snow together with nature of the road requires extreme patience and skill to negotiate. However, this road is maintained pretty regularly and does not have a morbid accident record. Cargo trucks and even double-Decker tourist buses travel through the road on a daily basis, and it’s quite an experience.

16) Iroha-zaka winding road, Japan

Irohazaka Winding Road Japan

Iroha-zaka winding road is the main route that connects central Nikko and Oku-Nikko. The First Iroha-zaka is used to come down, and the  Second Iroha-zaka to go up. Each corner has an ancient Japanese alphabet, and you will see it in alphabetical order starting from I-ro-ha and hence the name. The road was used by ascetics in the past. The number of curves on the road was 48, matching the 48 letters of the ancient Japanese alphabet. Therefore, the tourist guides started to call the slope Iroha-zaka.  After the construction of the second Iroha-zaka there were 50 curves, but 2 were decreased to remain corresponding with the 48 letters. How’s that for complicated?

17) Van Zyl’s Pass, Namibia

Van Zyl pass

Van Zyl pass1

Van Zyl pass2

Photo credits: 1

Van Zyl’s Pass, or the DR3703, located in Namibia, is a classic extreme road. It is not exactly a road, just a route made over the mountain by the travelers over time. The outrageously steep pass provides a pure adrenaline rush, but the route that leads up to it is a 10-15km of tough driving where one has to dodge their way through rocks, boulders, badlands and ravines. At the end, the road descends to the ancient glacial valley called Marienfluss valley, which is one of the planet’s most beautiful sights that await only the brave-hearted.

18) El Espinazo Del diablo, Mexico

El Espinazo del diablo1

El Espinazo del diablo2

El Espinazo del diablo

Photo credits: 1, 2

El Espinazo Del diablo or ‘The devil’s backbone’ is the mountain pass in Durango, Mexico. It’s about 5 hours long, and it was the only road from Durango to Mazatlan Sinaloa for a long time. We have heard many cautionary tales about crossing the devil’s backbone, El Espinoza Del Diablo, But the road is exceptionally well maintained and there are many cautionary signs marking most of the hazards. Of course these are in Spanish, so keep an electronic translator or a dictionary, handy. Pull out spots are frequent, so you can easily stop anytime you want. There are some tight curves, too. So tight that a truck needs all of the road to make it around. These hinder potential two way traffic in these regions. However, stunning rock formations rising around you and the lush, green vistas stretching on for impossible distances make every inch of the drive breathtaking.

19) Lysebotn Road, Norway

Lysebotn Road

Photo credit: 1

This is probably the most fun road you can travel on four wheels, and then maybe on your two legs checking out the various hiking trails leading from the area. In fact, this might be considered the most breathtaking place in Europe. It all starts with the narrow road up the steep walls of the Lysefjord, Norway. It has 27 switchbacks and a 1.1 km long tunnel at the bottom, with 3 switchbacks inside. The last 30 km of Lysebotn road is a true roller-coaster! It’s narrow but has a perfect surface, winding left and right all the time. If you happen to ride a motorcycle in Norway, then this is the road you simply cannot afford to miss!

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

Defensa't per ser productiu


  1. Tenir una visió de tot el que s'ha de fer
  2. Saber dir no per fer el que s'ha de fer
  3. Fes-ho per acabar-ho i no et deixis desviar del què és important
  4. Que ho faci qui ho pot fer millor, no ho facis tot
  5. Que quedi clar qui fa què per no duplicar esforços
  6. Que no et robin el teu temps, bloqueja bona part del dia amb la màxima productivitat




Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

Excuses que no et fan ser productiu a la feina

  1. Tampoc no cal fer-ho ara mateix.
  2. Ho faré després.
  3. Ara no és el moment més adequat.
  4. Tampoc es que sigui tan important.
  5. Em falta informació per començar.
  6. Tinc moltes altres coses pendents.

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

dissabte, 20 de març del 2010

Economia y empresa: Cartas lectores 20minutos

LUIS DOMÍNGUEZ DE LA CONCHA. 02.03.2010 - 11.27 h

La semana pasada, D. José Bono, presidente del Congreso, se reunió con los medios para pedirles una bajada de tono en el ataque a las percepciones económicas de los políticos. Esto demuestra que la gente va conociendo y sensibilizándose ante los privilegios de "La casta". ¿Qué podemos esperar de unos "empleados públicos" que tienen la potestad de asignarse su propio sueldo y remuneraciones complementarias? Además, ellos mismos son los que fijan las cantidades a desviar desde las arcas del Estado para sus partidos, en donde se reparten el botín para obtener unos extras. Eso sí, con leyes o reglamentos diseñados expresamente para ello. Todo legal. En comunidades autónomas y ayuntamientos ocurre lo mismo, ya que sus miembros electos también fijan sus propias remuneraciones.

MIGUEL ÁNGEL MONGE Y REDONDO. 05.03.2010 - 10.18 h

Leí una carta hace poco en la que un funcionario pedía perdón. En estos tiempos difíciles en los que entre todos tenemos el deber de sacar adelante una frágil economía, es lamentable que se desvíe la atención hacia colectivos como el caso de los funcionarios. Siempre que la economía flojea se señala a los funcionarios y se recuerda sus "privilegios". Cuando hay crisis y aumenta el paro se vuelven a recordar las prerrogativas de aquellos que trabajan en la función pública.

Estoy cansado de oír las mismas sandeces una y otra vez. Soy firme defensor de la función pública y de sus trabajadores. Este país necesita una sanidad pública verdaderamente pública, una enseñanza verdaderamente pública, una administración pública en definitiva que gestione nuestros primordiales derechos constitucionales: derecho a la educación y a la sanidad.

Debemos de valorar lo que tenemos y los riegos que supone perder estos beneficios con los "aires de privatización" que soplan en algunas comunidades autónomas y ayuntamientos; valorar muy seriamente lo que supondría prescindir de muchos de los servicios que la función pública cubre actualmente.

No somos el país rico que quieren hacernos ver. No podemos enviar a nuestros hijos a la escuela privada y contratar los servicios de una sanidad privada tan alegremente. Sr. Calvo, deseo que siga usted muchos años en su puesto de funcionario y le doy francamente la enhorabuena.

JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ GUERRA. 09.03.2010 - 10.01 h

Resulta que Hacienda está decidida a luchar contra el fraude como sea, y a cazar a todo aquel que intente quedarse con el dinero de todos. Es una actitud digna de elogio, por otra parte Hacienda está para eso. Lo que no tengo claro es a quién quiere "trincar", si a los de siempre o sea a los más "pringaos", que por supuesto se merecen su correspondiente castigo. O van a ampliar el abanico a los empresarios que camuflan grandes fortunas en las famosas cuentas B.

Bien, pues no lo entiendo, hace poco estuve en una delegación de Hacienda para comentarles que tengo pruebas, con sus correspondientes documentos, de las cuentas B de una empresa, de como desvían dinero a cuentas que solo ellos controlan, de como se reparten dinero entre los jefes, dinero que nunca sale a la luz y con el que después se compran cochazos y pisos. ¿Cuál fue la respuesta que me dieron?, pues que ellos no podían hacer nada. Por favor, ¿alguien me lo puede explicar?

RAQUEL P. COSTUMERO. 11.03.2010 - 11.14 h

No soy economista (soy ingeniera). No tengo experiencia profesional en el área financiera (he trabajado durante 9 años en el sector de las telecomunicaciones); pero esto no me impide que el sentido común, el deseo de implicación y de que las cosas comunes funcionen bien, me muestren que la austeridad y el ahorro, son los grandes aliados en tiempos de crisis.

Muchas son las historias que se oyen de despilfarro del dinero público, de las que desconozco su veracidad; sin embargo, sí puedo citar aquí un caso personal a modo de ilustrativo ejemplo: de las 15 semanas que trabajé el año pasado, recibiendo dinero de fondos públicos, estuve produciendo durante 8 semanas y seguidamente tuve derecho a otras 7 semanas de vacaciones remuneradas. No está mal, ¿no? Al menos para mí, claro.

MERCEDES MOSQUERA. 12.03.2010 - 17.29 h

Estoy realmente cabreada (por decirlo suave), mi marido y yo somos trabajadores autónomos desde hace 10 años, nos hemos dejado la piel por y para la empresa (hemos llegado a picos de 200 trabajadores), creo que a los autónomos o pymes, da igual, no nos han dado el lugar que nos merecemos, las pymes son las que realmente han levantado el país, surtiéndose las grandes de las pequeñas, me explico: Cuando trabajas para un gran empresa, léase FCC, Acciona, ACS, etc., pones en riesgo tu capital (ya que no te pagan hasta dentro de 8 meses), tu personal, al cual le tienes que pagar religiosamente (lógicamente), Seguridad Social al día de todo, porque si no para la contrata para la cual trabajas no te pagan.

¿Qué pasa si una de estas empresas quiebra?, te hunden en la más absoluta de las miserias como le ha pasado a muchas pymes, ¿cómo se han quedado estos autónomos? El que ha sabido ahorrar y no darse lujos como yo es el que ahora está aguantando este tsunami y manteniendo los cuatro trabajadores que tiene, pero por otro lado tienen-tenemos los impagos de los diez sinvergüenzas que han ido soltando cheques sin fondos, yo sin cobrar y ellos montando otras empresas. ¿Es que a esta gente no hay quien les pare los pies?, amén de los impuestos, que es para echarse a llorar pero de pena, ¿vale realmente la pena sacrificarse tanto para montar una empresa? A día de hoy, bajo mi punto de vista, ¡no!

MANUEL CUADRADO BASAS. 16.03.2010 - 09.20 h

Respondiendo a Patricia Montero, coincido con su argumentación en defensa de los buenos funcionarios. Pero de repente, ¡ay!, en el último párrafo asoma un plumero sospechoso: "yo tengo mi trabajo porque me he tirado muchos años estudiando". No, señora. A usted le pagamos una nómina para que preste servicio a la sociedad. Aprobar una oposición únicamente le dio acceso a ese puesto.

Hay excelentes profesionales en la Administración Pública, pero no me negará que se codean con bastantes incompetentes. No se compare usted con los telepredicadores de la prensa rosa. Eso es trivial: ellos son una minoría (comparado con el 20% de población activa que son funcionarios, ¡uno de cada cinco!) y además nosotros no les pagamos su sueldo (bueno, a los de la tele pública sí se lo pagamos en parte). Compárese usted con los empleados de cualquier empresa, donde si alguien no cumple verá peligrar su puesto. La casta funcionarial no tiene ese acicate, y así nos va.

El Gobierno nos sube el IVA pero es para nuestro bien, eso dice. La verdad es que Zapatero se ha gastado nuestro dinero con subvenciones a los amiguetes y para comprar votos a los partidos nacionalistas. Para que no se diga ha dado subvenciones a algunos pensionistas. Esta vez los socialistas ha rechazado la propuesta del Partido Popular contra esta subida, con sólo seis votos del nacionalismo vasco y canario. Desde julio todos sufriremos el 'ivazo' con que nos percute este Gobierno: en la gasolina, los transportes, material escolar, etc. Todo porque Zapatero es incapaz de levantar la economía y necesita los votos de partidos mercenarios, que se venden al mejor postor, para perpetuarse en el poder. Sandra Moreno Luque.


Como soy mayor, recuerdo aquellos guateques con aquel tocadiscos con discos de pizarra que, cuando menos lo esperabas, saltaba la aguja y allí sonaba la tonadillera de turno repitiendo la misma frase, amor, amor, amor, hasta que un miembro del grupo se dignaba levantar la manecilla del tocadiscos cesando el amor y ponía uno de los Brincos y todos a bailar de nuevo. Y digo yo, qué miembro del Partido Popular se atreverá a levantar la manecilla a la Sra. Aguirre y Rajoy haciendo cambiar el son, IVA,IVA,IVA, y les pondrá un DVD que transmita soluciones creíbles, económicas, de trabajo fijo y de calidad, de Seguridad Social eficiente, de aplicación de Ley de Dependencia, de educación pública totalmente pública, de aplicación de Ley para la Ciudadanía, Ley del Aborto, Ley Memoria Histórica. En fin todo aquello que nos permite a los ciudadanos vivir con más libertad. Y costearlo con la partida que corresponda, si es IVA, pues con IVA, no subiendo impuestos directos como nos han hecho a los ciudadanos de Madrid con basura, transportes, IBI, y privatizaciones en marcha. Aguirre y Rajoy, bailen un nuevo son y pensarán en los ciudadanos y no en votos y poder. Pablo Pozo Poyatos.

ALBERTO GUEVARA MARTÍNEZ. 26.02.2010 - 08.50 h

Soy un pequeño autónomo que tiene una empresa de rehabilitaciones. Entre 2007 y primeros del 2008 me vi obligado a despedir a tres trabajadores indefinidos. Por suerte ninguno con más de 2 años de antigüedad. Puedo asegurar que ya no vuelvo a despedir nunca a ningún trabajador, y menos hacerle indefinido. Ahora se les acaba el contrato. He pasado por cinco juicios en el tribunal de lo social, después de pagar lo que marca la ley (con minúscula para mí desde entonces) y que me firmaran el finiquito, quedando como amigos con el compromiso de volver a llamarles cuando hubiera trabajo. La conciliación, un desastre, exigían cantidades absurdas con el fin de que fuera imposible llegar a un acuerdo.

El truco consiste en que siempre pierde el empresario en el juicio y te meten salarios de tramitación. Después de dos años me he recuperado, firmo contratos de obra-servicio o por necesidades de producción, pago 7 días por año en vez de 45 días. Cuando toque hacer fijo no renovaré a nadie por muy bueno que sea el trabajador. Me dedico al arreglo de fachadas colgado de cuerdas y antes consideraba que era más seguro fidelizar al empleado. Señores políticos, jueces y abogados: no tienen ni idea de la que están liando.

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divendres, 19 de març del 2010

Lovemarks: 3 claves del amor por las marcas que fidelizan más allá de la razón #branding

Great stories: past, present and future; taps into dreams, myths and icons; and inspiration
Sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste
Commitment, empathy, and passion
Lovemarks en wikipedia

Según Kevin Roberts, autor de Lovemarks, las bases para cambiar la idea de las marcas cómo un amante son: Misterio , Sensualidad, Intimidad.


Grandes historias: Grifos pasado, presente y futuro, en los sueños, los mitos y los iconos, y la inspiración.


Sonido, vista, olfato, tacto y gusto.


El compromiso, la empatía, y la pasión.

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dimarts, 16 de març del 2010

CPA Tona Xou gran 4º Clasificat Campionat d'Espanya a Pamplona (Vídeo)

Comptar paraules a OpenOffice Calc i a Excel

Formula to Count Words in a Cell for Excel or Calc

With a few minor changes, the following will work equally well in either Excel or Calc spreadsheets.

=IF(LEN(TRIM(A1))=0;0;LEN(TRIM(A1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1;" ";""))+1)

El truc està en comptar els espais entre paraules.

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dijous, 11 de març del 2010

Google analytics: Quin tipus d´objectius té una web

Aprendre quin tipus d´objectius assoleixen els usuaris:

- diari/blog: es subscriuen? es registren? Per quin tipus de subscripció (noticia o comentari?)? I per quin tipus de noticia: una categoria o secció de noticies o una altre?

- botiga de comerç electrònic: quins productes i quines categories de producte són més rentables, i quin és el preu mitja d´una venta i els ingressos per visita i en definitiva el retorn d´inversió de la web.

- una empresa de serveis: saber quins tipus de serveis generen més sol.licituds d´informació (contactes/leads) i quines categories o agrupacions són més rentables

- un hotel o casa rural: quin tipus d´estada té més reserves, per quantes nits, amb quanta antel.lació es fan les reserves, quin és el preu mitjà de la reserva.

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Pay per Listen: Pagar por escuchar la Radio (SGAE)

Download now or watch on posterous
llamada_sgae.wmv (7826 KB)

Audio de una llamada a la SGAE.

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dimecres, 10 de març del 2010

Google Talk de Google Apps a Empathy

Binary package hint: empathy Google Apps users cannot simply use the Google Talk account type in Empathy and enter their emaill address & password. I'm not sure why the configuration is not the same but the following settings need to be applied: * Encryption required (TLS/SSL) * Server: talk.google.com * Port: 5223 * Use old SSL: true

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dilluns, 8 de març del 2010

Imatges de la neu, 26cm de gruix

Nens sense cole a la neu

Phrasal verb reference (ESL from about)

Please note that all phrasal verbs marked by an asterisk (*) are NON-separable verbs (i.e. the preposition MUST follow the main verb. For example: I called on Dan NOT I called Dan on!). Verbs that are not marked by an asterisk (*) are separable verbs (i.e. the preposition may or may not follow the main verb. For example: I brought the children up OR I brought up the children).

Remember that separable phrasal verbs using a pronoun as the object of the verb MUST be separated (I brought them up NOT I brought up them)

A Ask out Ask someone to go on a date
B Bring about cause
  Bring up 1) rear children 2) mention or introduce a topic
C Call back Return a telephone call
  Call in Ask to come to an official place for a special reason
  Call off cancel
  Call on* 1) visit 2) ask a student a question in class
  Call up Call on the telephone
  Catch up (with)* Reach the same position or level as someone
  Check in* Register at a hotel
  Check into* investigate
  Check out 1) borrow a book from a library 2) investigate
  Cheer up Make (someone) feel happier
  Clean up Make clean and orderly
  Come across* Find by chance
  Cross out Draw a line through
  Cut out Stop an annoying activity
D Do over repeat
  Drop by* Visit informally
  Drop in (on)* Visit informally
  Drop off Leave something/someone somewhere
  Drop out (of)* Stop going to school or class
F Figure out Find the answer by logic
  Fill out Complete a form
  Find out Discover information
  Get along (with)* To have a good relationship with
  Get back (from) 1) return from somewhere 2) receive again
  Get in, get into* 1) enter a car 2) arrive
  Get off* Leave any vehicle
  Get on* Enter any vehicle
  Get out of* 1) leave a car 2) avoid some unpleasant activity
  Get over* Recover from an illness
  Get through* finish
  Get up* Arise from bed, a chair etc.
  Give back Return something to someone
  Give up Stop doing something
  Go over* Review or check
  Grow up* Become an adult
H Hand in Submit an assignment
  Hang up 1) Stop a telephone conversation 2) put up clothes on a line or a hook
  Have on Wear
K Keep out (of) Not enter
  Keep up (with)* Stay at the same position or level
  Kick out (of) Force (someone) to leave
L Look after* Take care of
  Look into* Investigate
  Look out (for)* Be careful
  Look over Review or check
  Look up Look for information in a reference book
M Make up 1) invent 2) do past work
N Name after Give a baby the name of someone else
P Pass away* Die
  Pass out 1) distribute 2) lose consciousness
  Pick out Select
  Pick up 1) go to get someone 2) take in one's hand
  Point out Call someone's attention to
  Put away Remove to an appropriate place
  Put back Return to original position
  Put off Postpone
  Put on Dress
  Put out Extinguish a cigarette, fire
  Put up with* Tolerate
R Run into Meet by chance
  Run across Find by chance
  Run out (of) Finish a supply of something
S Show up* Appear, come to
  Shut off Stop a machine, equipment, light etc.
T Take after* Resemble
  Take off 1) remove clothing 2) leave on a trip 3) leave the ground (aeroplane)
  Take out 1) take someone on a date 2) remove
  Take over Take control
  Take up Begin a new activity
  Tear down Demolish, reduce to nothing
  Tear up Tear into many little pieces
  Think over Consider
  Throw away Discard; get rid of
  Throw out Discard; get rid of
  Throw up Vomit
  Try on Put on clothing to see if it fits
  Turn down Decrease volume
  Turn in 1) submit classwork 2) go to bed
  Turn off Stop a machine, equipment, light etc.
  Turn on Start a machine, equipment, light etc.
  Turn out Extinguish a light
  Turn up Increase volume or intensity


From esl.about.com

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dimecres, 3 de març del 2010

Modelo de negocio de Google: Lo que el SEO te da Google te lo quita

Both Foundem and Ejustice.fr are so-called vertical search engines, which provide searches focused on a particular subject, rather than the broader, Webwide sweep that Google offers. Foundem says it was downgraded by Google several years ago, which pushed it into Web obscurity, though it says it has since managed to persuade Google to restore its previous search status.

Google declined to comment on Mr. Barella’s specific allegations. The company has said that it penalizes some, but not all, vertical search engines because they are essentially spam, gathering content and links from other sites to generate traffic and ad revenue.

“In order to maintain the high quality of Google search, we flag or remove sites that we detect have malware and viruses or don’t comply with Google’s quality guidelines,” it said in a statement. “The guidelines under which we will take action are publicly documented, and this is standard industry practice among search engines.”

Mr. Barella insists that he did not set up Ejustice.fr to make a fast euro. Even on its best days, he says, the site was barely generating enough revenue to cover the cost of his computers.

Ejustice.fr es un portal vertical que indexa páginas de justicia de Internet que llegó a tener 20.000 visitas diarias. Google penalizó este tipo de sitios con el argumento de que poco valor ofrece a los usuarios en sus resultados de búsqueda y se justifica diciendo que su objetivo de estos sitios es hacer dinero con la publicidad.

¿No es este el modelo de negocio de Google?

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dilluns, 1 de març del 2010

estosololoarreglamosentretodos.org = Consume Hasta Morir

Así pues, nace una campaña que intenta que el optimismo se traduzca en tarjetas de crédito ágiles, bolsillo ligero e incotinencia a la hora de pedir préstamos e hipotecas. Estoloarreglamosentretodos.org bien podría llamarse: “seoptimistaycompra.org",
o “gastadeunaputavez.org".

Quizás a tí se te ocurran mejores formas de gastarse los 4 millones de euros destinados a aumentar el optimismo rentable o incluso crees que las constructoras, los bancos y las instituciones públicas que les han permitido hacer lo que han hecho son los que deberían haber sufrido (aunque fuera un poquito) la crisis.

Esto, contigo y unos cuantos optimistas, lo arreglamos.


1.“Los españoles no se rascan el bolsillo para salir de la crisis”. Beatriz Amigot. Expansión 19-02-2010”

Es una campaña publicitaria iniciada por Jaime de Andrés, responsable de publicidad corporativa de Telefónica junto a Javier Gómez Navarro (ex ministro de comercio y actual presidente del Consejo Superior de Cámaras), el economista Guillermo de la Dehesa y los abogados Antonio Garrigues Walker y Miquel Roca. "Es una llamada a la sociedad civil para que se movilice", explicaron los responables de la iniciativa, que durará dos meses, con spots en televisión, inserciones en prensa y cartelería exterior. En total, el coste de la campaña será de cuatro millones de euros que han puesto las Cámaras de comercio, la patronal de las grandes empresas constructoras (Seopan) y un buen número de grandes empresas (Telefónica, Iberia, El Corte Inglés, BBVA, Santander, La Caixa, Caja Madrid, Repsol, Cepsa, Endesa, Iberdrola, Mapfre, Abertis, Mercadona, Indra, Renfe y Red Eléctrica).

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