diumenge, 13 de desembre del 2009

De Ext3 a Ext4 sense formatejar el sistema de fitxers

Disclaimer: Primer de tot asegurat de tenir una bona copia de seguretat de tot. Ext4 està preparat per un kernel de linux almenys 2.6.30 (linia de comandes uname -a)

Upgrading to Ext4

Go to System->Partition Editor. This will show all the partition in your hard disk. Record down the filesystem ID of the partition that you want to convert to ext4.


Close the Partition Editor. Open a terminal, type the following:

sudo tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/XXXX

Replace XXXX by the filesystem ID that you have recorded just now.

Once that is done, type the following to fixed your partition:

sudo fsck -pf /dev/XXXX

Don’t forget to replace XXXX with your filesystem ID.

Mount your filesystem

sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/XXXX /mnt

Open the fstab file:

gksu gedit /mnt/etc/fstab

and change the ext3 entry to ext4. Save and exit.

edit fstab

Back to the terminal, we need to reinstall the grub bootloader.

sudo grub-install /dev/XXX

This time, replace the XXX by the filesystem without the number. For example, sudo grub-install /dev/sda

Close the terminal and restart the computer. Reboot into ubuntu 9.04.

In the terminal, type

df -T

You should see your filesystem mounted as ext4 now

check filesystem type

That’s all. Enjoy!

Jo tinc el / en una partició diiferent de la /home ext3. Hi ha programes que no estàn del tot preparats per treballar perfectament amb ext4.

Algú s'hi ha llençat ja?

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

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