dijous, 31 de desembre del 2009

Prediccions Google 2010: En quin percentatge serà cert?

1. Google Chrome's bookmark sync will be extended to sync the documents stored in Google Docs.

2. Google will launch a service that indexes and ranks web applications.

3. Google will use different interfaces for displaying search results, depending on your query.

4. Google's search engine will group related results.

5. Google Image Search will let you upload an image and will show related images from the web.

6. Google Street View's images will become searchable and Google will start to show information about different places in Street View.

7. Google will release an online development environment optimized for building web applications.

8. An open platform for search experiments: tweak Google's ranking factors, customize the interface and create a better search engine.

9. Android will have more users than Windows Mobile.

10. Many browsers will copy Google Chrome's features: the simplified interface, the rapid development model, the lightweight extensions, sandboxing, compiling JavaScript code.

11. Google Drive will finally launch, but it will only be an extended version of Google Docs. Instead of sending attachments, you'll be able to upload files to Google Drive from Gmail.

12. Google Wave won't become successful, but its features will be used in other Google products.

13. Google will buy True Knowledge and will launch a fact search engine.

14. Gmail's spam filtering algorithms will be more transparent and you'll be able to define custom rules for flagging messages as spam.

15. Google Trends will show popular web sites from different categories.

16. Google Desktop will be discontinued and replaced by Google Quick Search Box.

17. If you use Google Chrome, you'll be able to use the most important features of Chrome OS.

18. Google users will be able to add comments and start conversations if they want to find some information about a hot topic.

19. Google Toolbar will be available for Chrome and Google will start to bundle Chrome with Google Toolbar for IE.

20. Google will buy Spotify and make it available for free.

Sincronisme de documents, indexar aplicacions, vistes segons cerca, agrupacions de resultats, cerca imatges relacionades, cerca de street view, ide web per desenvolupament d'aplicacions web, experiments de cerca, android vs windows mobile, altres navegadors copiaran chrome, google drive com a extensió de google docs, google wave encara no tindrà exit, però s'utilitzará en altres productes de google, cerca de fets, millora regles antispam, categorització de google trends, google quick search box, chrome os desde chrome, comentaris i conversa en temes d'actualitat, google toolbar, musica gratis per tothom...

Posted via web from jrosell's posterous

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